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Alles over Gateway game bordspellen

Wat is Gateway game

Spellenfans vinden het maar wat leuk om nieuwe mensen enthousiast te maken voor hun hobby en de beste manier om dat te doen is het spelen van gateway games. Dit zijn spellen die ook toegankelijk zijn voor mensen die niet heel vaak spellen spelen. Ze laten ze kennis maken met nieuwe mechanismen, zonder dat het zo overweldigend wordt, dat het een gevalletje eens maar nooit weer is. De naam impliceert misschien dat deze spellen alleen bedoeld zijn als een stapje omhoog richting ingewikkeldere titels, maar dat hoeft helemaal niet.

Nieuwe Gateway game bordspellen

Alle spellen: Gateway game

Boxart Bordspel Prijs Goedkoopst bij
5-Minute Dungeon € 28.94 Alternate
A Fake Artist Goes to New York € 22.95 Bol.com Partner
A La Carte € 30.74 Spelshop.be
Acquire Revised
Adventure Land € 39.99 Bol.com Partner
Alhambra Big Box € 84.88 Spellenvariant
Alhambra Big Box Special Edition
Alhambra: Revised Edition
ArcheOlogic € 39.00 Spelshop.be
Archeos Society € 49.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Art Society € 42.50 Spelshop.be
Avonturenland € 39.99 Bol.com Partner
Aye, Dark Overlord! - The Red Box
Bark Avenue € 53.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Battle Line: Medieval € 40.50 Bol.com Partner
Behext € 30.90 BoardgameShop
Betrayal: Deck of Lost Souls € 29.95 Amazon.nl
Biome - Deluxe Edition € 67.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Bridgerton (NL) € 18.20 Bol.com Partner
Camel Up € 52.90 Spellenhuis
Camel Up 2nd Edition € 36.99 Bol.com
Campus Galli € 56.35 Bol.com Partner
Can't Stop
Can't Stop (NL) € 31.90 Amazon.nl
Canvas € 49.95 Boardgame Merchant
Carcassonne € 46.95 Bol.com Partner
Carcassonne (Nieuwe Editie) € 26.99 Amazon.nl
Carcassonne: Amazone
Carcassonne: Big Box 1
Carcassonne: Big Box 2
Carcassonne: Big Box 3 € 49.99 Bol.com
Carcassonne: Door Berg En Dal
Carcassonne: Goudkoorts
Carcassonne: Het Basisspel Wintereditie
Carcassonne: Het Rad van Fortuin
Carcassonne: Mayflower
Carcassonne: Reiseditie
Carcassonne: Safari € 44.99 Bol.com Partner
Carcassonne: Star Wars Edition (ENG)
Carcassonne: Stille Zuidzee
Cartagena (NL) € 23.50 Spelshop.be
Cascadia: Rolling Hills € 28.76 Bol.com Partner
Cascadia: Rolling Rivers € 28.90 The Perfect Move
Casting Shadows € 28.72 Bol.com
Catan: 25 jaar Wereldwijd Jubileum € 69.99 Subcultures
Catan: Big Box 2019 € 78.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Catan: Big Box 2023 € 74.00 Spelshop.be
Catan: Big Box Jubileumeditie
Catan: De Opkomst van de Inca's € 39.99 The Playground
Catan: Kosmonauten € 77.20 The Summoner
Catan: Starfarers
Celestia € 25.95 Amazon.nl
Century: A New World
Century: De Specerijenroute
Century: Eastern Wonders € 45.99 Bol.com Partner
Century: Een Nieuwe Wereld € 14.47 Bol.com Partner
Century: Golem Edition
Century: Golem Edition (NL)
Cities € 33.49 CrowdFinder
Cities (NL) € 34.99 Top1Toys
Clank! € 58.95 Boardgame Merchant
Codenames (ENG) € 22.98 Bol.com
Codenames (NL) € 22.94 Alternate
Codenames Duet XXL (ENG) € 51.95 Bol.com Partner
Codenames Pictures XXL € 40.00 Spelshop.be
Codenames XXL (ENG) € 40.00 Spelshop.be
Codenames XXL (NL) € 38.49 Bol.com Partner
Codenames: Deep Undercover € 27.50 Spelshop.be
Codenames: Deep Undercover 2.0 € 29.00 Bol.com Partner
Codenames: Disney (ENG) € 28.90 Spellenhuis
Codenames: Disney (NL) € 24.99 Top1Toys
Codenames: Duet (ENG) € 22.44 Amazon.nl
Codenames: Duet (NL) € 24.59 Bol.com Partner
Codenames: Duet XXL (NL) € 32.94 Alternate
Codenames: Harry Potter
Codenames: Marvel (ENG) € 31.45 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Codenames: Pictures (ENG) € 24.98 Bol.com
Codenames: Pictures (NL) € 24.20 Bol.com Partner
Codenames: The Simpsons € 31.00 Spelshop.be
Coloretto Kaartspel € 13.94 Bol.com
Colt Express (NL) € 29.99 Bol.com
Comet € 43.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Concept (ENG)
Concept (NL) € 24.99 Amazon.nl
Concept Kids: Dieren € 20.99 Amazon.nl
Cryptic Nature € 54.45 Spellenrijk
Cubitos (ENG) € 49.92 Amazon.nl
Cubitos (NL)
De Betoverde Toren
De Betoverde Toren Reiseditie € 17.00 Spelshop.be
De Legenden van Andor: De Eeuwige Kou € 39.99 Bol.com
De Zoektocht naar El Dorado: Gouden Tempels € 34.90 The Perfect Move
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong € 43.90 The Perfect Move
Deep Sea Adventure € 23.20 The Perfect Move
Diamant € 32.20 The Summoner
Diamant (NL) € 27.99 Bol.com
Dice Town (ENG)
Dice Town (NL) € 45.98 Het Spelhuis
Dier Op Dier € 27.30 Bol.com Partner
Dier op Dier - Jubileumeditie € 44.99 Bol.com Partner
Dier op dier - Van groot naar klein € 24.50 Lotana
Dier op Dier: Het Wankele Stapelspel € 28.98 Het Spelhuis
Dier op Dier: Klein maar Dapper € 12.40 Lotana
Dier op Dier: Mini € 15.00 Spelshop.be
Dinner in Paris € 39.99 Bol.com
Disney Villainous
Dixit (ENG)
Dixit (NL) € 22.49 Amazon.nl
Dixit Odyssey (ENG) € 48.95 Bol.com Partner
Dixit Odyssey (NL) € 29.73 Amazon.nl
Dixit Uitbreiding 2: Quest € 24.98 Bol.com
Dixit Uitbreiding 3: Journey € 24.98 Bol.com
Dixit Uitbreiding 4: Origins € 29.94 Subcultures
Dixit Uitbreiding 5: Daydreams € 24.98 Bol.com
Dixit Uitbreiding 6: Memories
Dixit Uitbreiding 7: Revelations € 24.98 Bol.com
Dixit Uitbreiding 8: Harmonies € 24.98 Bol.com
Dixit Uitbreiding 9: 10th Anniversary
Dixit: Disney € 21.99 Amazon.nl
Dominion (NL)
Dominion - Tweede Editie € 34.99 Bol.com
Dominion 2nd Edition € 40.19 Spelshop.be
Dominion 2nd Edition Big Box € 76.50 Spellenvariant
Dominion Uitbreiding: Intrige - Tweede Editie € 44.99 Bol.com
Dominion: Intrige
Doolhof 3D € 23.99 Bol.com Partner
Doolhof Jubileumeditie Glow in the Dark € 29.64 Bol.com Partner
Doolhof Reiseditie € 13.99 Bol.com Partner
Doolhof Verschrikkelijke Ikke
Doolhof: Disney Princess Junior
Doolhof: Twist € 15.50 Bol.com Partner
Dorfromantik € 47.20 The Summoner
Dubious € 50.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Dungeon Legends € 49.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Dungeons & Dragons: Dungeon Scrawlers Heroes of Waterdeep € 29.96 Spellenrijk
Ecos: First Continent € 32.00 Spelshop.be
Everdell (ENG) € 59.95 Boardgame Merchant
Everdell - Collector's Edition € 99.00 Bol.com Partner
Everdell - The Complete Collection € 315.00 Spelshop.be
Everdell: Duo € 38.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Everdell: Silverfrost - Collector's Edition € 99.95 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Everdell: Silverfrost - Essentials Edition € 54.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Explorers of Navoria € 54.50 Spellenvariant
Extraordinary Adventures: Pirates! € 35.49 CrowdFinder
Flamme Rouge € 39.50 Spellenvariant
Flash Point
Fliptown € 34.94 Stoneboxer
For Sale (ENG)
For Sale (NL)
For Sale 2021 (NL) € 17.94 Bol.com
Formula D € 39.75 Spelshop.be
Fuse € 28.99 Amazon.nl
Gateway Island € 30.00 Bol.com Partner
Gesjaakt (aka No Thanks) € 15.98 Bol.com
Great Western Trail: El Paso
Grimboudplein 12 (Harry Potter) (76408) € 209.99 Bol.com Partner
Haniwa: Noble and also Spaceman € 28.45 Spellenrijk
Happy Home € 31.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Harmonies (NL) € 32.99 Bol.com Partner
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle (NL) € 54.49 CrowdFinder
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle - A Cooperative Deck Building Game € 45.50 Spellenvariant
Heat: Pedal to the Metal € 53.95 Boardgame Merchant
Heat: Pedal to the Metal (NL) € 48.95 Boardgame Merchant
Helsinki € 50.95 Bol.com Partner
Helsinki - Deluxe Edition
Hero Realms € 26.99 Bol.com Partner
Ice Cool (ENG)
Ice Cool (NL)
Ice Cool 2
Imhotep € 37.50 Spellenvariant
Imperial Miners € 29.58 Amazon.nl
Ingenious [ENG]
Islebound - Emerald Edition € 58.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Jaipur (ENG)
Just One (ENG)
Karuba € 32.85 Bol.com Partner
King of Tokyo (2016) (ENG) € 38.50 Spelshop.be
King of Tokyo (2016) (NL)
King of Tokyo (ENG)
King of Tokyo (NL) € 36.20 The Summoner
King of Tokyo Dark Edition (NL)
King of Tokyo: Monsterbox (ENG) € 48.97 Amazon.nl
King of Tokyo: Origins
Labyrinth Junior: Cars 3 € 36.00 Bol.com Partner
Lacuna € 35.45 Spellenrijk
Las Vegas (ENG)
Las Vegas (NL)
Le Havre
Le Havre - Complete Edition € 55.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Let's Go! To Japan (NL) € 51.76 Bol.com Partner
Loony Quest
Lord Of The Rings: The Confrontation
Lords of Waterdeep € 41.94 Alternate
Lost Cities
Lost Cities: Het Kaartspel € 12.48 Amazon.nl
Love Letter
Love Letter (ENG) € 23.94 Subcultures
Love Letter (NL) € 15.98 Bol.com
Love Letter: Adventure Time Boxed Edition
Love Letter: Batman (Boxed Edition)
Love Letter: Legend of the Five Rings
Love Letter: Marvel: Infinity Gauntlet € 22.00 Spelshop.be
Love Letters: Bridgerton € 20.45 Spellenrijk
Magic Maze: Tower (NL) € 30.00 Spelshop.be
Maps of Misterra € 25.98 Het Spelhuis
Marrakech € 44.95 Bol.com Partner
Mech a Dream € 24.18 Bol.com
Memoir '44 € 60.98 Het Spelhuis
Mission Control: Critical Orbit € 38.96 Spellenrijk
Mississippi Queen (ENG) € 44.90 Lotana
Mississippi Queen (NL) € 22.00 Bol.com Partner
Monolyth € 45.71 Spellenrijk
Munchkin: Shadowrun € 50.45 Spellenrijk
Mysterium (ENG) € 46.50 Lotana
Mysterium (NL) € 36.20 Bol.com
New York 1901 € 39.99 Spelshop.be
New York Slice € 37.00 Spelshop.be
New York Zoo (ENG) € 39.20 The Summoner
Nightmare Productions € 71.00 Queen of Games
Noobs in Space € 21.99 The Playground
Nunatak € 35.99 Bol.com
Open Season € 29.90 The Perfect Move
P'achakuna (Pachakuna) (ENG) € 50.45 Spellenrijk
P'achakuna (Pachakuna) (NL) € 33.99 Stoneboxer
Pandemic (NL) € 19.99 Intertoys
Pandemic 10th Anniversary Edition (ENG)
Pandemic 10th Anniversary Edition (NL)
Pandemic: 2nd Edition (ENG) € 47.90 De Spelfabriek
Parks € 49.95 Boardgame Merchant
Parks - 2nd Edition
Patchwork € 22.98 Bol.com
Patchwork - Jubileumeditie € 22.98 Bol.com
Patchwork Light
Patchwork: Americana (NL) € 24.99 Bol.com Partner
Patchwork: Americana Edition € 22.99 CrowdFinder
Perspectives € 34.95 Bol.com
Perspectives - Blue Box € 34.95 Bol.com
Perudo € 17.48 Amazon.nl
Perudo Beach € 22.08 Amazon.nl
Pitch Car
Port Arthur € 27.00 Spelgezel
Port Royal € 15.94 Alternate
Potion Explosion € 32.19 Amazon.nl
Potion Explosion - Second Edition € 42.95 Boardgame Merchant
Powerline € 42.90 BoardgameShop
Powerline (NL) € 36.00 Spelshop.be
Pyramido (ENG) € 35.98 Het Spelhuis
Pyramido (NL) € 32.90 BoardgameShop
Qwinto € 13.74 Bol.com Partner
Qwirkle € 37.99 The Playground
Qwixx € 13.85 Bol.com Partner
Rallyman GT € 43.49 CrowdFinder
Rebuilding Seattle € 53.50 Spellenvariant
Rhino Hero: Super Battle € 25.16 Amazon.nl
River of Gold: Legend of the Five Rings
Robo Rally - 30th Anniversary Edition € 107.88 Spellenvariant
Robo Rally: Transformers € 60.95 Spellenrijk
Runemasters € 33.45 Spellenrijk
Sagrada (ENG) € 39.51 Bol.com
Sagrada (NL) € 39.99 Amazon.nl
San Juan
Santorini (ENG)
Santorini (NL) € 56.20 The Summoner
Seasons Of Arcadia € 37.45 Spellenrijk
SideQuest: The Isle Of Cats € 22.45 Spellenrijk
Skate Summer
Smash Up € 34.99 Bol.com Partner
Smash Up - 10th Anniversary Edition € 49.50 Spellenvariant
Snap Ships: Tactics € 75.20 The Summoner
Snow Tails
Splendor € 34.99 Bol.com
Splendor - Refresh € 30.99 CrowdFinder
Splendor Marvel (ENG) € 41.00 Spelshop.be
Star Realms: Colony Wars € 19.94 Subcultures
Star Tycoon € 49.88 Spellenvariant
Stella (Dixit Universe) € 24.74 Stoneboxer
Stenen Tijdperk € 39.99 Bol.com
Stonespine Architects € 49.45 Everspel
Stonespine Architects (NL) € 42.00 Spelshop.be
Stranger Things: Upside Down € 55.98 Het Spelhuis
Sub Terra 2: Inferno's Edge (Base Game) € 53.50 Spellenvariant
Superclub: The Football Manager Game € 48.64 Amazon.nl
Superstore 3000 € 37.50 Bol.com
Survive: Escape from Atlantis!
Survive: Space Attack
Survive: The Island € 29.95 Bol.com
Sushi Go Party! € 26.90 The Perfect Move
Sushi Go! € 13.00 Bol.com Partner
Sushi Roll € 24.80 Bol.com Partner
Takenoko € 40.99 CrowdFinder
Takenoko Giant Collector's Edition
Talisman: The Magical Quest Game (5th Edition) € 59.99 Bol.com
Taverns & Dragons € 45.94 Subcultures
Terra Nova € 36.50 Spellenvariant
Terra Nova (NL) € 41.00 Queen of Games
Terror in Meeple City
The Adventure Zone: Bureau of Balance € 33.49 CrowdFinder
The Duke
The Dwarf King € 21.45 Spelspul.nl
The Great Split (NL) € 33.99 CrowdFinder
The Resistance € 25.98 Bol.com
The Resistance: Avalon € 22.99 Amazon.nl
The Shipwreck Arcana € 31.20 The Summoner
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre € 69.95 Spellenrijk
Thrones of Valeria € 35.98 Het Spelhuis
Through The Desert
Ticket to Ride Europe 15th Anniversary (ENG) € 78.00 Spelshop.be
Ticket to Ride Europe 15th Anniversary (NL) € 64.50 Lotana
Ticket to Ride Legacy: Legendes uit het Westen € 94.95 BoardgameShop
Ticket to Ride Legacy: Legends of the West € 99.99 The Playground
Ticket to Ride Uitbreiding: Polen € 22.87 Amazon.nl
Ticket to Ride: 10th Anniversary Edition
Ticket to Ride: Duitsland € 40.98 Het Spelhuis
Ticket to Ride: Europe (NL) € 29.99 Bol.com
Ticket To Ride: France / Old West € 22.87 Amazon.nl
Ticket to Ride: Heart of Africa € 27.98 Bol.com
Ticket to Ride: India & Zwitserland € 24.53 Spelshop.be
Ticket to Ride: Japan & Italie € 33.89 Bol.com
Ticket to Ride: London € 17.89 Spelshop.be
Ticket to Ride: Marklin
Ticket to Ride: Nederland € 22.99 Amazon.nl
Ticket to Ride: New York € 14.50 Spelshop.be
Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries € 35.98 Bol.com
Ticket To Ride: Rails & Sails (ENG) € 72.75 Bol.com
Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails (NL) € 61.18 Bol.com
Ticket to Ride: Team Asia & Legendary Asia € 32.99 Bol.com
Ticket to Ride: UK & Pennsylvania € 35.91 Bol.com
Ticket to Ride: USA € 29.95 Amazon.nl
Timeline 4 Multi-Thema's
Timeline: Evenementen € 12.48 Amazon.nl
Timeline: General Interest
Timeline: Historical Events
Timeline: Inventions
Timeline: Klassiek € 12.48 Amazon.nl
Timeline: Music & Cinema
Timeline: Science & Discoveries
Timeline: Star Wars
Timeline: Uitvindingen € 14.98 Het Spelhuis
Tiwanaku € 48.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Tiwanaku Deluxe (NL)
Tobago (NL)
Tokaido 5th Anniversary Editie (ENG)
Tokaido 5th Anniversary Editie (NL) € 34.00 Bol.com Partner
Tokaido Deluxe (2021)
Trailblazer: The John Muir Trail - Kickstarter Edition € 59.99 Subcultures
Tree Society € 34.99 Bol.com
Trickdraw - 1st Edition € 26.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Tsuro € 34.99 Bol.com
Unmatched Marvel: Brains and Brawn € 42.95 Boardgame Merchant
Vlotte Geesten € 16.48 Amazon.nl
Vlotte Geesten 2.0 € 17.98 Bol.com
Vlotte Geesten XL
Watergate (ENG) € 37.99 Amazon.nl
Watergate (NL) € 27.45 Spel-topia
Wild Tiled West € 71.00 Lotana
Wyrmspan (ENG) € 52.95 Boardgame Merchant
Wyrmspan (NL) € 56.86 Bol.com
Zoo Vadis (NL) € 55.36 Bol.com Partner
Zooloretto € 27.00 Spelshop.be

Lees ook alles over andere bordspeltypes: Abstract spel, Bag Building, Behendigheid, Bieden, Bluffen, Breinbreker, Buitenspellen, Campagne/verhalend, Card drafting, Collectible Cardgame, Cooperatief, Deckbuilding, Dobbelspel, Educatief, Engine Building, Escape room, Eurogame, Expert Spel, Familiespel, Gateway game, Gebiedsverovering, Hand management, Kaartspel, Kinderspel, Legacy, Miniaturenspel, Party spel, Pesten, Pickup & Deliver, Programmable Movement, Push Your luck, Real Time, Reisspel, Roll & Write, Set Collection, Slagenspel/Trick taking, Solospel, Tile placement, Trivia, Tweespeler spel, Uitbreiding, Variabele spelerskrachten,