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Alles over Solospel bordspellen

Wat is Solospel

Een spel bedoeld ter vermaak van een enkele speler, of van spelers die samen als een enkel persoon handelt en denkt. Sommige coöp of campagne games worden omgedoopt tot solitaire maar dan speelt vaak 1 speler meerdere rollen. Dat kan prima mits er geen belangen of geheimen zijn tussen de spelers, maar is wel een hoop om te managen en daar moet je maar net zin in hebben. Tegenwoordig zie je steeds vaker dat de designer een solo modus toevoegt in de vorm van een geautomatiseerde speler, die uitdaging biedt met minimale handelingen, zodat de speler zich kan wedijveren met een AI gestuurde tegenspeler. Bijvoorbeeld voor de meeste punten of om een opdracht te volbrengen, zoals het verslaan van een groot monster. Typische solo spellen zijn Vrijdag, de Onirim reeks en natuurlijk Solitaire/ Patience met een kaartspel.

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Nieuwe Solospel bordspellen

Alle spellen: Solospel

Boxart Bordspel Prijs Goedkoopst bij
1066, Tears to Many Mothers: The Battle of Hastings Card Game
12 Realms € 48.00 Spelshop.be
1565, St. Elmo's Pay: The Great Siege of Malta Card Game
18 Holes - 2nd Edition € 62.00 Spelshop.be
1941: Race to Moscow € 91.99 The Playground
1942 U.S.S Yorktown € 28.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
20 Strong
50 Clues: De Pendel van de Dood € 20.50 Spelshop.be
50 Clues: Het Lot van Leopold € 19.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
50 Clues: Witte Slaap € 19.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
7 Days of Westerplatte € 19.20 The Summoner
999 Solo: Cat Stax € 15.94 Top1Toys
999 Solo: Dog Pile € 15.94 Top1Toys
999 Solo: Sea Stax € 15.94 Top1Toys
A Feast For Odin € 81.90 Everspel
A Gentle Rain € 26.49 The Playground
A.D.E.L.E. € 37.99 CrowdFinder
Adventure By Book: De Schatzoekers van de Kuala-archipel € 31.45 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Adventure By Book: Gevangen! € 16.20 The Summoner
Adventure By Book: Jouw Pretpark € 13.45 Spellenzaak.nl
Adventure By Book: Ridders € 18.48 Amazon.nl
Adventure By Book: Sherlock Holmes € 22.20 The Summoner
Adventure By Book: Sherlock Holmes - Jong Talent van Baker Street
Adventure Tactics: Domiannes Tower - 2nd Edition
Aeon's End (2nd Edition) € 65.20 The Summoner
Aeon's End: Legacy € 87.50 Spellenvariant
Aeon's End: War Eternal € 55.00 Spelshop.be
Aftermath An Adventure Book Game
Age of Galaxy
Age of Rome - Senator Edition € 139.95 Spellenhuis
Age of Steam
Agricola (ENG)
Agricola (NL)
Agricola The 15th Anniversary Box
Agropolis € 12.95 Bol.com Partner
Ahau: Rulers of Yucatán € 73.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Aleph Null € 30.11 Amazon.nl
Alhambra: Roll & Write € 27.50 Bol.com Partner
Alice's Garden € 23.90 BoardgameShop
Alien Getaway € 11.94 Bol.com Partner
Aliens: Another Glorious Day In The Corps € 54.32 Amazon.nl
All Bridges Burning € 58.50 Spellenvariant
Alubari: A Nice Cup of Tea € 44.95 BoardgameShop
Amaze € 17.48 Amazon.nl
Amritsar: The Golden Temple € 54.49 CrowdFinder
Anachrony € 70.50 Spelshop.be
Anachrony: Essential Edition € 62.20 The Summoner
Animal Kingdoms € 19.45 Spellenrijk
Animal Rescue € 10.26 Amazon.nl
Animalia: Preventing Extinction € 14.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Anunnaki: Dawn of the Gods € 99.95 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Apiary € 54.88 Spellenvariant
Apotheca € 34.88 Spellenvariant
Apple Twist € 17.48 Amazon.nl
Aquatica (ENG) € 40.95 Boardgame Merchant
Aquatica (NL) € 47.00 Queen of Games
Arborea € 52.99 The Playground
Architecten van het Westelijk Koninkrijk € 53.90 Everspel
Architects of the West Kingdom € 54.88 Spellenvariant
Archmage € 61.99 Bol.com Partner
Ark Nova (ENG) € 62.50 Spellenvariant
Ark Nova (NL) € 62.95 Boardgame Merchant
Arkham Horror 3rd Edition (Third Edition) € 69.85 Alternate
Arkham Horror TCG The Card Game
Arkham Horror TCG The Card Game - Revised Core Set € 58.99 Bol.com
Arkham Horror: Call of Ctulhu 2nd Edition
Arkham Horror: Final Hour € 31.44 Valhalla Boardgames
Arkham Noir Case 1: The Witch Cult Murders
Arkham Noir Case 2: Called Forth By Thunder
Arkham Noir Case 3: Infinite Gulfs of Darkness € 16.00 Spelshop.be
Arkwright: The Card Game € 28.49 CrowdFinder
Arkwright: The Card Game [NL] € 40.45 Everspel
Arraial € 37.99 Spelshop.be
Ascension Tactics: Miniatures Deckbuilding Game
Ascension: Darkness Unleashed
Ascension: Dawn of Champions
Ascension: Delirium
Ascension: Deliverance
Ascension: Dreamscape
Ascension: Gift of Elements
Ascension: Immortal Heroes
Ascension: Realms Unraveled
Ascension: Return of the Fallen € 33.50 Spelshop.be
Ascension: Storm of Souls
Ascension: Valley of the Ancients
Ascension: Year Five Collector's Edition
Ascension: Year Four Collector's Edition
Ascension: Year One Collector's Edition
Ascension: Year Three Collector's Edition
Ascension: Year Two Collector's Edition
Asteroid Escape € 18.94 Alternate
Atlantis Escape € 18.48 Amazon.nl
Atlantis Rising
Attack On Titan: Deck Building Game
Avant Carde € 26.45 Spellenrijk
Aventuria: Adventure Card Game
Avonturier 1 x 1 € 44.99 Bol.com Partner
Awkward Guests € 28.56 Amazon.nl
Bad Company € 45.49 CrowdFinder
Balada € 12.49 CrowdFinder
Bandida € 15.53 Amazon.nl
Bandido € 15.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Banish the Snakes: A Game of St. Patrick in Ireland € 65.50 Spellenvariant
Bardsung € 159.88 Spellenvariant
Bardwood Grove € 56.00 Spelgezel
Barrage € 75.00 Bol.com Partner
Baseball Highlights 2045 € 44.50 Spelshop.be
Baseball Highlights: The Dice Game
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - Deluxe Edition € 83.00 Spelshop.be
BattleCON: Devastation of Indines
Between Two Cities € 40.99 Spelshop.be
Big Trouble in Little China: The Game
Biome - Deluxe Edition € 67.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Bios Origins: Second Edition € 61.49 CrowdFinder
Birds of a Feather: Western North America € 33.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Black Angel € 39.88 Spellenvariant
Black Orchestra 2nd Edition € 61.50 Spellenvariant
Black Rose Wars
Black Souls € 43.50 Spellenvariant
Blackout: Hong Kong € 51.00 Queen of Games
Blitzkrieg!: Wereldoorlog II in 20 minuten € 37.24 Stoneboxer
Blitzkrieg!: World War Two in 20 minutes € 29.99 Bol.com Partner
Block It € 22.99 Spelshop.be
Blueprints of Mad King Ludwig € 57.45 Everspel
Bonfire (ENG) € 26.49 CrowdFinder
Bonfire (NL) € 30.70 The Summoner
Bonsai (ENG) € 44.45 Spellenrijk
Bonsai (NL) € 34.95 Bol.com
Books of Time € 40.00 Spelgezel
Boomgaardje Kinderspel € 26.00 Spelshop.be
Bottom of the 9th
Brainpuzzle BrainDice € 22.45 Spellenrijk
Brainpuzzle Brainstring Advanced € 24.52 Bol.com Partner
Brainpuzzle Brainstring Houdini € 24.52 Bol.com Partner
Brainpuzzle Brainstring Original € 24.52 Bol.com Partner
Brainpuzzle Brainstring R € 25.46 Bol.com
Brainpuzzle Checker Cube € 36.57 Bol.com Partner
Brainpuzzle Equel7 € 18.70 Bol.com Partner
Brainpuzzle Feliks 9 € 27.99 Bol.com Partner
Brainpuzzle Gear Ball € 27.45 Spellenrijk
Brainpuzzle Gear Cube € 28.52 Bol.com Partner
Brainpuzzle Gear Shift € 26.50 Bol.com Partner
Brainpuzzle GhostCube € 26.75 Bol.com Partner
Brainpuzzle Hollow Cube € 25.46 Bol.com
Brainpuzzle Hollow Skewb Ultimate € 24.19 Bol.com
Brainpuzzle Hollow TwoByTwo € 25.02 Bol.com Partner
Brainpuzzle IcoSoKu € 25.46 Bol.com
Brainpuzzle Megaminx € 25.99 Bol.com Partner
Brainpuzzle Mirrorkal Escher
Brainpuzzle Planets € 19.43 Bol.com Partner
Brainpuzzle Pocketcube € 25.46 Bol.com
Brainpuzzle Pyraminx € 19.99 Bol.com Partner
Brainpuzzle Pyraminx Duo € 23.45 Spellenrijk
Brainpuzzle Rainbow Nautilus
Brainpuzzle SKEWB € 22.89 Bol.com Partner
Brainpuzzle Venus Pillow
Brains: De Japanse Tuinen
Brains: Schatkaarten
Brains: Toverdrank € 17.49 Bol.com Partner
Brazil: Imperial (ENG) € 50.50 Spellenvariant
Brazil: Imperial (NL) € 51.50 Spellenvariant
Break-out: Escape the Dungeon € 22.48 Amazon.nl
Bremerhaven € 43.99 Spelshop.be
Bullet (Star)
Burgle Bros 2: The Casino Capers € 55.49 CrowdFinder
Burgle Bros. € 48.49 CrowdFinder
Bye Bye Mr Fox € 26.00 Spelshop.be
Caesar!: Seize Rome in 20 Minutes!
Caesar!: Verover Rome In 20 Minuten! (NL) € 35.49 The Playground
Caldera Park € 27.00 Spelgezel
Caldera Park (NL) € 30.00 Bol.com Partner
Calico (ENG) € 44.50 Spellenvariant
Calico (NL) € 36.94 Alternate
Call To Adventure: Epic Origins € 44.95 BoardgameShop
Cantaloop: Book 1 - Breaking into Prison € 25.72 Amazon.nl
Canvas € 39.50 Spellenvariant
Carnegie (ENG) € 58.50 Spellenvariant
Carnegie (NL) € 52.90 The Perfect Move
Carnival Zombie 2nd Edition € 72.50 Spelgezel
Cascadito € 23.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Castle Dukes € 64.99 Spelshop.be
Cat Stax € 18.50 Amazon.nl
Catan: Breinbrekers € 18.99 Bol.com Partner
Cats and Boxes € 16.58 Bol.com
Chicken Shuffle € 23.00 Spelshop.be
Chicken Shuffle Jr. € 19.98 Bol.com
Choose Your Own Adventure: House of Danger
Choose your Own Adventure: War With the Evil Power
Chronicles of Avel € 33.94 Alternate
Chronicles of Frost
Circuit Maze € 31.99 Bol.com
City of the Great Machine € 59.50 Spellenvariant
City Planner
Clever 4Ever € 16.48 Amazon.nl
Clinic Deluxe Edition
Clocks € 48.95 Bol.com Partner
Cloudspire (2nd Printing) € 199.99 Subcultures
Coffee Roaster € 38.50 Spelshop.be
Color Carpet € 15.94 Top1Toys
Conservas (KS Editie) € 40.90 Everspel
Coral Islands
Corduba 27 a.C. € 61.49 CrowdFinder
Corrosion € 29.50 Spellenvariant
Cosmoctopus € 34.95 Bol.com
Crack the Code € 33.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Creature Comforts (NL) € 56.95 Spel-topia
Cthulhu: Death May Die – Fear of the Unknown € 106.88 Spellenvariant
Cubic € 22.56 Amazon.nl
Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City
D-Iced € 15.94 Top1Toys
Dark Souls: The Board Game
Dark Souls: The Board Game: Painted World of Ariamis € 99.88 Spellenvariant
Dark Souls: The Card Game € 53.00 Spelshop.be
Dark Souls: Tomb of Giants € 98.00 Spelshop.be
Darkest Night 2nd Edition
Dawn of Peacemakers
Dawn of the Zeds (Third edition)
Day & Night € 29.94 Alternate
DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Rebirth € 54.99 Amazon.nl
De Familie Stapel € 28.99 Spelshop.be
De Friesche Velden
De Geheime Gang € 31.90 Bol.com Partner
De Geheimzinnige Vallende Ster € 26.44 Valhalla Boardgames
De Glasstraat
De Gorgels: Het Ondergrondse Avontuur
De Vergeten Stad € 25.32 Bol.com
De Wolkenmaker € 19.95 Bol.com Partner
Dead Cells: The Rogue-Lite Board Game € 81.49 CrowdFinder
Deep Rock Galactic - 2nd Edition € 69.95 Boardgame Merchant
Deep Space D-6: Armada
Delicious € 33.45 Everspel
Demeter € 21.49 CrowdFinder
DerrocAr: The week of Five Presidents € 45.20 The Summoner
Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2nd Edition
Detective: a Modern Crime Board Game (ENG) € 46.00 Spelshop.be
Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game Season One € 32.50 Queen of Games
Detective: City of Angels € 93.00 Spelshop.be
Detective: City of Angels Uitbreiding - Cloak and Daggered € 17.00 Spelgezel
Diamont Quest € 19.68 Amazon.nl
Dice & Ink: A Roll & Write Anthology
Dice City
Dice Hospital € 57.20 The Summoner
Dice Settlers (ENG) € 49.95 Bol.com Partner
Dice Settlers (NL) € 60.45 Everspel
Dice Stars
Dice Theme Park € 63.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Dinosaur Island € 53.88 Spellenvariant
Dinosaurs: Mystic Islands € 20.18 Bol.com
Discover: Lands Unknown € 62.50 Queen of Games
Distilled (ENG) € 80.95 Boardgame Merchant
Distilled (NL) € 110.00 Bol.com Partner
Dive € 34.00 Queen of Games
Dobbel Zo Clever € 16.93 Amazon.nl
Dobbelwormpje € 19.00 Spelspul.nl
Dog Park
Dog Pile € 18.51 Bol.com
Dogfight: Rule the Skies in 20 Minutes € 32.99 Amazon.nl
Dollars to Donuts: Deluxe € 33.49 CrowdFinder
Domino Maze € 44.45 Spellenrijk
Don't Look Back: the Core Game
Doodle City
Doornroosje € 34.44 Valhalla Boardgames
Dosa € 14.99 Bol.com Partner
Dragon Ball Z Perfect Cell Dice Game
Dragonquest € 45.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Dreadful Meadows € 54.95 Amazon.nl
Dreadful Meadows - Deluxe Edition € 73.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Dreamscape € 48.00 Spelshop.be
Dress Code € 19.48 Amazon.nl
Dual Powers: Revolution 1917
Duelosaur Island
Dune: House Secrets € 30.99 CrowdFinder
Dune: War for Arrakis € 140.48 Amazon.nl
Dungeon Academy € 24.20 Spelshop.be
Dungeon Alliance
Dungeon Drop € 26.90 Everspel
Dungeon Fighter - Second Edition € 38.30 Spelshop.be
Dungeon Fighter in the Castle of Frightening Frosts € 44.50 Spelshop.be
Dungeon Fighter in the Catacombs of Gloomy Ghosts € 44.50 Spelshop.be
Dungeon Fighter in the Chambers of Malevolent Magma € 44.50 Spelshop.be
Dungeon Fighter in the Labyrinth of Sinister Storms € 44.50 Spelshop.be
Dungeon Fighter: Collector's Edition € 225.00 Spelshop.be
Dungeon Roll
Dungeon Time € 35.99 Spelshop.be
Dungeonquest (Revised Edition)
Dungeons & Dragons (D&D): Castle Ravenloft
Dungeons & Dragons (D&D): Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage Premium Edition € 149.25 Spellenrijk
Dungeons & Dragons: Temple Of Elemental Evil € 89.88 Spellenvariant
Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend Of Drizzt € 63.00 Spelshop.be
Dungeons & Dragons: The Wrath Of Ashardalon € 62.32 Amazon.nl
Dungeons & Dragons: Tomb Of Annihilation € 93.50 Spellenvariant
Dungeons, Dice & Danger € 19.58 Amazon.nl
Dwar7s Winter
Dwarf € 32.50 Spelshop.be
Ecosystem: Savanna € 22.45 Spellenrijk
Eila and Something Shiny € 85.00 Spellenrijk
Eldritch Horror € 63.50 Spellenvariant
Encyclopedia € 62.50 Spellenvariant
Endeavor: Deep Sea € 58.95 Spellenhuis
Enemy Action: Kharkov
Era: Medieval Age € 48.40 Amazon.nl
Etherfields € 98.50 Spellenvariant
Europa Universalis: The Price of Power
Evacuation (ENG) € 58.00 Spelshop.be
Evacuation (NL) € 54.90 The Perfect Move
Evergreen (ENG) € 46.38 Spelshop.be
Evergreen (NL) € 44.95 BoardgameShop
Evidence: Hush Money
Excavation Earth € 67.96 Amazon.nl
EXIT: De Eenzame Vuurtoren € 28.99 Bol.com Partner
EXIT: Het Betoverde Bos € 15.68 Bol.com
Exit: Het Kerkhof van de Duisternis € 14.30 Spellenzaak.nl
Expeditions € 64.95 Boardgame Merchant
Expeditions - Ironclad Edition € 91.99 The Playground
Ezra and Nehemiah € 55.50 Spellenvariant
Fabled: The Spirit Islands € 30.01 Amazon.nl
Factory Funner € 45.98 Het Spelhuis
Faiyum € 53.49 CrowdFinder
Fantastic Factories
Farm Rescue € 20.96 Spellenrijk
Farmini € 12.48 Amazon.nl
Fast Forward: Op de vlucht € 12.25 Spelshop.be
Fate Of The Elder Gods
Fields of Arle € 63.99 The Playground
Final Girl - Series 1 Ultimate Box
Final Girl - Series 2 Ultimate Box
Final Girl: Core Box € 24.95 Boardgame Merchant
Final Girl: Starter Set € 48.00 Spelshop.be
Find the Code! - Fantasieland € 21.00 Spelshop.be
Find the Code! - Pirateneiland
Findorff € 53.00 Spelshop.be
Fine Sand
Finspan (NL) € 49.96 Bol.com
Firefly Adventures: Brigands and Browncoats € 58.00 Spelshop.be
Firefly Shiny Dice € 30.99 Spelshop.be
First Martians € 65.95 Bol.com Partner
First Rat € 43.50 Spelshop.be
Five Crowns
Flamecraft (ENG) € 44.50 Spellenvariant
Flamecraft (NL) € 43.95 Boardgame Merchant
Flamecraft - Deluxe Editie (NL) € 90.00 Bol.com Partner
Flash Point
Flash Point: Fire Rescue
Flatline: A Fuse Aftershock Game
Fleet: The Dice Game € 47.95 Bol.com Partner
Flex Puzzler Crystal € 15.94 Top1Toys
Flex Puzzler Max € 15.94 Top1Toys
Flex Puzzler S € 15.94 Top1Toys
Flex Puzzler XL
Flick 'em Up Uitbreiding: Stallion Canyon € 35.99 Spelshop.be
Flip 'm: De Autoweg (Breinbreker) € 14.99 Bol.com Partner
Flip 'm: De Tekkel (Breinbreker) € 14.99 Bol.com Partner
Fliptown € 34.94 Stoneboxer
Florence € 56.96 Spellenrijk
Florenza: X Anniversary Edition
Folklore The Affliction 2nd Edition € 72.88 Spellenvariant
Folklore: The Affliction Uitbreiding: Dark Tales
For Northwood! a Solo Trick-Taking Game
Forbidden Desert
Forbidden Island
Forever Home [NL] € 38.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Forge War € 44.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Founders of Gloomhaven € 55.50 Spellenvariant
Foxy € 21.45 Spellenrijk
Framework € 28.49 CrowdFinder
Freaky Frogs from Outaspace € 31.00 Spelshop.be
Free Ride € 50.00 Spelshop.be
Freedom Five: A Sentinel Comics Board Game
Freedom: The Underground Railroad € 93.88 Spellenvariant
French Quarter € 33.99 Bol.com
Freshwater Fly
Fritzo Cube 20mm € 16.79 Bol.com Partner
Fritzo Cube 30mm
Frostpunk: The Board Game € 82.50 Spellenvariant
Fuji Koro € 41.90 Everspel
Funny Farm (Breinbreker) € 12.94 Top1Toys
Fuse € 28.99 Amazon.nl
Futuropia € 67.00 Bol.com Partner
G.I. Joe: Mission Critical - RPG Core Set
Gaia Project (ENG) € 57.61 Bol.com
Gaia Project (NL) € 80.00 Queen of Games
Galaxy Defenders Core Set
Ganz Schon Clever
Gardeners € 22.88 Spelshop.be
Ghost Hunters € 18.48 Amazon.nl
Ghost Stories
Ginkgopolis € 53.49 CrowdFinder
Glass Road € 62.00 Spelshop.be
Gloom of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game
Gloomhaven (ENG)
Gloomhaven: Buttons and Bugs € 24.88 Spellenvariant
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion € 50.50 Spellenvariant
God Of War: The Card Game € 44.00 Spelshop.be
Gorus Maximus
Gravwell - 2nd Edition € 38.50 Spellenvariant
Gravwell: Escape from the 9th Dimension
Great Minds: Archimedes Tangram (Breinbreker) € 18.44 Amazon.nl
Great Minds: Aristotles Number (Breinbreker) € 14.59 Amazon.nl
Great Minds: Darwin's Egg of Evolution (Breinbreker) € 15.24 Amazon.nl
Great Minds: Galileo's Globe (Breinbreker) € 14.45 Spellenrijk
Great Minds: Houdinis Escapology (Breinbreker)
Great Minds: Hubble's Galaxy (Breinbreker)
Great Minds: Kepler's Planetary (Breinbreker) € 13.45 Spellenrijk
Great Minds: Mini Aristotle's Philosophy Puzzle
Great Minds: Mini Plato's Genius Puzzle
Great Minds: Mini Socrates Logic Puzzle
Great Minds: Nelson's Barrel (Breinbreker) € 16.44 Amazon.nl
Great Minds: Newton's Gravity Defying (Breinbreker)
Great Minds: Nobel's Dynamite (Breinbreker) € 10.29 Bol.com Partner
Great Minds: Set of 3 (Halley, Galileo en Kepler) (Breinbreker) € 19.44 Amazon.nl
Great Minds: Set of 5 (Breinbreker) € 18.44 Amazon.nl
Great Minds: Set of 8 (Breinbreker) € 28.45 Spellenrijk
Greenland - Third Edition € 41.99 Spelshop.be
Grizzly Gears € 22.99 Amazon.nl
Grove € 18.90 BoardgameShop
Gutenberg € 54.95 BoardgameShop
Hack & Slash € 24.86 Amazon.nl
Halls of Hegra € 59.95 BoardgameShop
Hamsterbende € 21.00 Spelshop.be
Haniwa: Noble and also Spaceman € 28.45 Spellenrijk
Happy Cube Expert 6-Pack € 17.98 Bol.com
Happy Cube Junior 6-Pack € 17.48 Amazon.nl
Happy Cube Original 6-Pack € 17.48 Amazon.nl
Happy Cube Pro 6-Pack € 17.98 Bol.com
Hedgehog Escape € 14.95 Bol.com Partner
Hellboy the Board Game € 78.00 Spelshop.be
Herbaceous € 34.00 Spelshop.be
Herbaceous Sprouts
Heroes of Terrinoth
Het Onbewuste € 55.99 Speldorado
Het Verboden Eiland € 28.45 Everspel
Het Witte Kasteel van Himeji € 25.48 Bol.com
High Rise € 56.00 Spelgezel
Hippocrates [NL] € 30.20 The Summoner
Hit Z Road € 21.00 Spelshop.be
Hoplomachus: Victorum € 199.99 Subcultures
Horizons of Spirit Island € 30.29 Bol.com
Horrified € 29.99 Bol.com
Horrified: American Monsters € 65.95 Spellenhuis
Horrified: Greek Monsters € 33.49 CrowdFinder
Horse Academy € 20.00 Amazon.nl
Hostage Negotiator € 32.99 Bol.com
Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave € 37.99 Spelshop.be
Huddle Up € 24.94 Alternate
Hunt a Killer: Dead Below Deck (level 2) € 30.88 Gameshop Twente
Hunt a Killer: Death at the Dive Bar (level 1) € 30.88 Gameshop Twente
Hunt a Killer: Murder at the Motel (level 4) € 30.88 Gameshop Twente
HUTAN: Leven in het Regenwoud € 36.99 CrowdFinder
Huzzle breinbreker Cast U&U € 18.45 Spellenrijk
Huzzle Breinbreker Cast Ufo € 18.45 Spellenrijk
Huzzle breinbreker Cast Violon € 18.45 Spellenrijk
Huzzle breinbreker Cast Vortex € 19.45 Spellenrijk
Ik Leer: Beloningskaart € 12.98 Bol.com
Ik Leer: Fruit & Groenten € 13.38 Bol.com
Ik Leer: Fruit & Groenten € 13.38 Bol.com
Ik Leer: Recyclen € 12.48 Amazon.nl
Imperial Settlers (ENG) € 45.99 Spelshop.be
Imperial Settlers (NL) € 42.20 The Summoner
Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North (ENG) € 40.49 Bol.com
Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North (NL) € 48.95 BoardgameShop
Imperial Settlers: Roll & Write (ENG) € 20.99 Bol.com Partner
Imperial Settlers: Roll & Write (NL) € 18.20 The Summoner
Indian Summer € 29.79 Spelshop.be
Ingenious [ENG]
Ingenious: Travel Edition
Interstellar € 55.50 Spellenvariant
Inventors of the South Tigris € 59.88 Spellenvariant
IQ Circuit € 12.23 Amazon.nl
IQ Digits € 14.48 Amazon.nl
IQ Love € 16.48 Amazon.nl
IQ Mini € 9.44 Amazon.nl
IQ Mini € 9.44 Amazon.nl
IQ Six Pro € 12.23 Amazon.nl
IQ Stixx € 14.48 Amazon.nl
Ironwood € 57.20 The Summoner
Isle of Trains: All Aboard (ENG) € 28.99 Bol.com Partner
Isle of Trains: All Aboard (NL) € 30.90 The Perfect Move
It's a Wonderful World (ENG)
Jagged Alliance: The Board Game
Journey: Wrath of Demons
Journey: Wrath of Demons [ENG]
Judge Dredd: The Cursed Earth € 20.36 Amazon.nl
Jungle Hide & Seek
Junk Drawer
K2 Board Game € 54.30 Bol.com Partner
Kameleo € 12.65 Bol.com Partner
Kinfire Delve: Vainglory's Grotto € 24.49 The Playground
King-Cobra Cube € 17.45 Spellenrijk
Klus Geklaard
Kronologic: Paris 1920 (NL) € 27.90 The Perfect Move
Labyrinth - The Forever War, 2015 € 31.00 Spelshop.be
Last Bastion
Last Resort € 45.00 Bol.com Partner
Le Havre - Complete Edition € 55.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Legacies € 93.71 Spellenrijk
Legacy of Yu € 59.90 The Perfect Move
Legacy The Testament Of Duke De Crecy
Legendary Encounters: A Firefly Deck Building Game
Legendary Encounters: The Matrix
Legendary Forests € 20.45 Amazon.nl
Legends of Hellas € 14.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Leven in de Amazone € 67.99 CrowdFinder
Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection € 77.88 Spellenvariant
Light in the Dark
Link It
Lisboa - Deluxe Edition € 145.00 Spelshop.be
Locus € 17.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Logiquest: Shadow Glyphs Breinbreker € 16.80 Bol.com Partner
Logiquest: Ticket to Ride Breinbreker € 17.00 Spelshop.be
Logiquest: Zip City Breinbreker
Long Shot: The Dice Game € 27.50 Spellenvariant
Lord of the Rings: The Card Game € 42.91 Amazon.nl
Lords of Hellas
Lords of Ragnarok - Core Box € 112.88 Spellenvariant
Lost Kingdoms: Pangea in Pieces € 33.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
LOTS: A Competitive Tower Building Game
Lucky Numbers € 23.00 Spelshop.be
Lucky Numbers - Deluxe Edition € 38.50 Spelshop.be
Lunar Rush € 48.99 The Playground
Lux Aeterna
Mage Knight € 113.40 Bol.com Partner
Mage Knight - Ultimate Edition € 132.73 Amazon.nl
Magic Maze € 31.00 Spelshop.be
Magna Roma € 78.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Magnetic Travel Games: Tangoes Paradox
Mapigami € 16.99 Spelshop.be
Maracaibo (ENG) € 67.50 Spelshop.be
Maracaibo (NL)
Martians: A Story of Civilization € 43.49 Spelshop.be
Marvel Champions: The Card Game € 54.99 Bol.com
Marvel Legendary Deckbuilding Game € 61.50 Spellenvariant
Marvel Legendary: Villains
Masters of Renaissance € 25.49 CrowdFinder
Maximum Apocalypse: Gothic Horrors 2nd Edition
Mazescape Ariadne € 17.99 CrowdFinder
Mazescape Labyrinthos € 20.23 Amazon.nl
Meadow - Adventure Book € 40.99 CrowdFinder
Meeple Hope € 24.22 Amazon.nl
Merchants of Magick: A Set a Watch Tale
Mercurial € 47.21 Spellenrijk
Messina 1347 (NL) € 49.98 Het Spelhuis
Metrolijn € 19.94 Stoneboxer
Metrorunner € 63.88 Spellenvariant
MicroMacro Crime City (ENG) € 28.66 Amazon.nl
MicroMacro Crime City (NL) € 28.94 Alternate
MicroMacro Crime City 2: Full House (NL) € 25.99 CrowdFinder
MicroMacro Crime City 3: All In (ENG) € 25.78 Amazon.nl
MicroMacro Crime City 3: All In (NL) € 30.08 Bol.com Partner
MicroMacro Crime City 4: Showdown (ENG) € 26.24 Amazon.nl
MicroMacro Crime City 4: Showdown (NL) € 31.00 Bol.com Partner
Mini DiverCity € 20.45 Spellenrijk
Mini Rogue (ENG)
Mini Rogue (NL)
Minos: Dawn of the Bronze Age € 55.50 Spellenvariant
Mobile Markets: A Smartphone Inc. Game € 33.45 Everspel
Monsters Hide & Seek € 17.48 Amazon.nl
Motor City € 30.98 Het Spelhuis
Motu € 22.87 Amazon.nl
Mr. President: The American Presidency, 2001-2020 € 100.99 CrowdFinder
Mycelia (2024) € 56.99 Bol.com Partner
Nautilion - 2nd Edition
Nemo's War 2nd Edition
Nestlings € 45.00 Spelgezel
New York City (NL) € 49.29 Bol.com Partner
Next Station: London (ENG) € 19.44 Amazon.nl
Next Station: Tokyo (NL) € 19.94 Top1Toys
Nocturnally € 20.00 Spelshop.be
Nocturne € 45.49 CrowdFinder
North Pole Expedition
Nucleum € 62.49 CrowdFinder
Number Drop € 30.50 Spelshop.be
Nunatak € 29.99 Bol.com
Odin € 72.20 Bol.com Partner
On Mars € 133.88 Spellenvariant
On Tour
One Card Dungeon
One Deck Galaxy € 36.50 Spellenvariant
Onirim € 33.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Onirim - 2nd Edition € 34.45 Spellenrijk
Orchard € 18.98 Het Spelhuis
Otto: Gameover € 29.00 Bol.com Partner
Pact € 24.00 Spelshop.be
Paladijnen van het Westelijk Koninkrijk € 48.00 Bol.com Partner
Paladins of the West Kingdom € 57.90 De Spelfabriek
Pandemic: Fall of Rome (ENG) € 68.50 Queen of Games
Pandemic: Fall of Rome (NL) € 49.99 Spelshop.be
Paramedics: Clear
Parking Puzzler € 17.98 Bol.com
Patchwork - Jubileumeditie € 19.98 Bol.com
Path of Civilization: A Story of Mankind € 77.88 Spellenvariant
Pathfinder RPG: Beginner Box
Pathogenesis 2nd Edition
Pavlov's House
Pax Emancipation € 41.99 Spelshop.be
Pax Pamir: Second Edition € 86.49 The Playground
Pax Viking € 61.00 Spelshop.be
Peek-a-Zoo € 18.98 Bol.com
Pendulum (ENG) € 40.90 BoardgameShop
Pendulum (NL) € 44.40 Spelshop.be
Penguins on Ice € 23.94 Alternate
Penguins Pool Party € 17.48 Amazon.nl
Penny Papers Adventures - Skull Island € 16.50 Bol.com Partner
Penny Papers Adventures - The Temple of Apikhabou € 16.49 Bol.com Partner
Penny Papers Adventures - Valley of Wiraqocha € 19.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Penta (Breinbreker)
Perdition's Mouth: Abyssal Rift Revised Edition € 125.00 Spelshop.be
Perplexus Rubik's: 2x2 Hybrid € 36.00 Spelshop.be
Perplexus Rubiks: 3x3 Fusion € 35.00 Spelshop.be
Perplexus: Beast € 25.97 Bol.com
Perplexus: Epic € 24.08 Bol.com
Perplexus: Original
Perplexus: Rebel € 20.99 Amazon.nl
Perplexus: Rookie
Petrichor: Collector's Edition
Pharaon (NL) € 38.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Philosophia: Dare to be Wise € 78.49 CrowdFinder
Pick a Dog € 27.99 Bol.com Partner
Pick a Pig
Pinguin Panic € 49.99 Bol.com Partner
Pirates Crossfire € 24.99 Amazon.nl
Pirates Jr.: Hide & Seek € 34.99 Bol.com Partner
Pixblocks € 31.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Pixel Glory Light and Shadow: Shadow Version
Pixel Lincoln
Pizza Chef € 41.90 Everspel
Pizza Diavolo € 13.70 The Summoner
Plague Inc: The Board Game
Planet Of The Apes Board Game € 39.99 Bol.com Partner
Planetarium € 35.50 Spellenvariant
Planta Nubo € 61.20 The Summoner
Pocket Detective: Bloedrode Rozen € 15.70 The Summoner
Pocket Detective: De Blik van de Geest € 11.75 Spellenzaak.nl
Pocket Dungeon Quest
Pocket Escape Room: Ontsnapping uit Alcatraz € 15.70 The Summoner
Pocket Landship
Pocket Mars € 17.99 Spelshop.be
Pokemon: Trainer Guess Legacy Edition € 27.99 Top1Toys
Pole Position € 17.44 Amazon.nl
Porto € 41.60 Bol.com Partner
Power Plants (ENG) € 36.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Power Plants (NL) € 40.90 BoardgameShop
Power Plants - Deluxe Edition (ENG) € 60.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Prime Minister € 90.20 Bol.com Partner
Prinses op de Erwt: Kussens stapelen
Prof Marbles
Progress: Evolution of Technology € 37.49 Spelshop.be
Project Elite
Project Elite 2nd Edition
Project Elite Alien Pack
Protect the Museum
Proving Grounds € 42.20 The Summoner
Purple Haze
Purple Haze: Tunnel Rats
Puzzling Obscurities € 26.45 Spellenrijk
Pyramid Arcade € 95.50 Spellenvariant
Pyramidice € 40.90 BoardgameShop
Ragusa € 46.80 Spelshop.be
Railways: Alban Viard € 21.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Rallyman Dirt € 57.50 Spelgezel
Rallyman GT € 43.49 CrowdFinder
Rambo: The Board Game
Rambo: The Board Game: First Blood € 50.00 Spelshop.be
Random Fun Generator € 20.89 Amazon.nl
Raxxon € 39.99 Bol.com Partner
Red Dust Rebellion € 96.50 Spellenvariant
Red Flag Over Paris
Red Rising € 26.49 CrowdFinder
Redwood - Classic Edition € 52.99 The Playground
Redwood - Kickstarter Editie € 75.98 Het Spelhuis
Redwood - The Big Box (Exclusief addons)
Redwood - The Big Box (Inclusief addons) € 180.00 Queen of Games
Reef Project € 44.95 BoardgameShop
Reforest: Planten van de Pacifische Noordwestkust € 23.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Regicide (Red Edition) € 24.94 Subcultures
Regicide (Teal Edition) € 22.49 The Playground
Reizigers van de Zuidelijke Tigris € 46.95 Boardgame Merchant
Resist! € 31.88 Spellenvariant
Resurgence € 50.00 Amazon.nl
Return to Dark Tower € 185.00 Queen of Games
Reykholt € 44.50 Spelshop.be
Rice Dice A Spirits of the Rice Paddy
Rival Realms € 35.00 Spelshop.be
Roar and Write!
Robin Hood and the Merry Men € 65.98 Het Spelhuis
Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island € 54.99 Spelshop.be
Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island Collector’s Edition € 78.95 BoardgameShop
Robot Factory € 19.98 Bol.com
Rocketmen € 24.50 Spellenvariant
Roll Camera!: The Filmmaking Board Game
Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age (ENG) € 23.00 Bol.com Partner
Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age (NL)
Roll Through the Ages: The Iron Age
Rollings Realms € 16.90 Everspel
Rovers Van Scythïe € 39.95 Boardgame Merchant
Rubik's Junior Bear
Rubik's Junior Bunny
Ruins of Mars € 16.49 CrowdFinder
Run Fight or Die Reloaded
Runemasters € 32.50 Spelshop.be
Rurik: Dawn of Kiev
Rush Hour Ultimate € 44.28 Bol.com Partner
Saboteur: Het Duel € 14.48 Amazon.nl
Safari Park Jr. € 24.94 Alternate
Sammu-ramat € 60.60 Spelshop.be
Savannah Park
Savannah Park (NL) € 30.95 Bol.com Partner
Scarabya € 33.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Scoville: 2nd Edition € 60.99 CrowdFinder
Scythe € 79.88 Spellenvariant
Sea Stax € 17.95 Bol.com Partner
Search Party: Chaos at the Park
Secrets of the Lost Station € 180.00 Spelshop.be
Sentinels of the Multiverse
Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition € 76.50 Spellenvariant
Set a Watch € 39.00 Spelshop.be
Set a Watch: Swords of the Coin
SETI: Op Zoek naar Buitenaards Leven (NL) € 61.49 CrowdFinder
SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence € 68.99 The Playground
Settlement € 42.96 Bol.com Partner
Shadows of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game € 70.99 CrowdFinder
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Carlton House & Queen's Park € 48.00 Queen of Games
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures € 36.54 Bol.com
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Baker Street Irregulars € 48.50 Queen of Games
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders and Other Cases € 54.90 Everspel
Shipwrights of the North Sea: Redux
Shogun no Katana € 73.20 The Summoner
Shooting Stars € 21.37 Bol.com
Shut the Box € 20.21 Amazon.nl
SideQuest: 7th Sea € 17.49 CrowdFinder
SideQuest: Nemesis € 21.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Siege of Valeria € 38.99 The Playground
Silicon Valley € 49.49 CrowdFinder
Slay the Spire: The Board Game € 120.95 Bol.com Partner
Sleeping Gods € 97.00 Spelshop.be
Sleeping Gods [NL]
Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies € 92.50 Spellenvariant
Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies (NL) € 99.95 The Perfect Move
Sleeping Gods: Primeval Peril € 44.95 Boardgame Merchant
Sleeping Gods: Primeval Peril (NL) € 42.90 The Perfect Move
Small City: Deluxe Edition
Smartphone Inc € 56.20 The Summoner
So, You've Been Eaten € 36.99 Bol.com Partner
Sojourn A Journey Through Time € 30.20 The Summoner
Solar Sphere € 39.90 Spelgezel
Soldiers in Postmen's Uniforms € 75.49 CrowdFinder
Solitaire (Breinbreker) € 15.90 Bol.com Partner
Solitaire in houten box € 11.77 Amazon.nl
Spectacular € 36.90 BoardgameShop
Spellbook € 35.50 Spellenvariant
Spin and Trap
Spirit Island (Core Game) € 74.95 Boardgame Merchant
Spirit Island (NL) € 63.74 Bol.com
Squire for Hire: Mystic Runes € 14.70 The Summoner
Stardew Valley € 63.85 Alternate
Starship Captains € 49.88 Spellenvariant
Starship Captains (NL) € 42.95 Boardgame Merchant
Stephens the Boardgame € 50.99 Speldorado
Stonespine Architects € 47.50 Spellenvariant
Stonespine Architects (NL) € 42.00 Spelshop.be
Strato € 21.44 Amazon.nl
Stroganov € 34.00 Spelgezel
Sunset Over Water
Tainted Grail: Kings of Ruin € 126.50 Spellenvariant
Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon € 103.99 Bol.com
Take a Seat € 27.90 The Perfect Move
Tales From the Loop: The Board Game € 60.50 Spellenvariant
Tales from the Red Dragon Inn
Tales of the Arabian Nights
Tales of the Arthurian Knights € 85.99 CrowdFinder
Tangoes for Two: Expert € 16.45 Spellenrijk
Tangoes for Two: Starter € 10.82 Amazon.nl
Tangram € 16.66 Bol.com Partner
Tangram City € 24.95 Amazon.nl
Tangram Kids € 18.26 Bol.com Partner
Tawantinsuyu The Inca Empire € 42.90 BoardgameShop
Team Up!
Temple Connection € 24.94 Alternate
Temple Trap € 18.94 Alternate
Teotihuacan - Stad der Goden € 47.90 The Perfect Move
Teotihuacan City of Gods € 50.50 Spellenvariant
Terraforming Mars (ENG) € 58.50 Spelgezel
Terraforming Mars (NL)
Tesseract € 61.99 Subcultures
Tetris 3D € 27.49 Bol.com Partner
The A.R.T. Project
The Anarchy € 71.20 The Summoner
The Artemis Oddysey € 63.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
The Artemis Project € 54.00 Spelshop.be
The Batman Who Laughs Rising € 47.83 Amazon.nl
The Big Score € 51.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
The Bloody Inn
The Brain € 14.94 Alternate
The City Of Kings
The Colonists
The Daedalus Sentence € 139.99 Spelshop.be
The Dark Quarter € 59.20 The Summoner
The Dutch East Indies € 29.79 Spelshop.be
The Dutch East Indies: Deluxe Editie
The Few and Cursed € 59.00 Spelshop.be
The Fox Experiment € 56.95 Boardgame Merchant
The Gallerist € 126.50 Spellenvariant
The Great Wall € 86.99 Bol.com
The Grizzled: Armistice Edition € 60.50 Queen of Games
The Guild of Merchant Explorers € 54.50 Spellenvariant
The Isle of Cats: Explore & Draw € 30.53 Amazon.nl
The Last of Us: Escape the Dark € 65.85 Alternate
The Light In The Mist
The Little Flower Shop Dice Game € 29.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Book Game € 49.00 Spelgezel
The Lord of the Rings: Adventure to Mount Doom
The Lord of the Rings: Fate of the Fellowship € 66.99 CrowdFinder
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game - Revised Core Set € 64.50 Spellenvariant
The Lost Expedition € 32.67 Bol.com Partner
The Morrison Game Factory
The Networks € 55.49 CrowdFinder
The One Hundred Torii € 43.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
The Queen's Collection
The Quick and the Undead € 43.50 Spelshop.be
The Reckoners
The Search for Planet X € 46.00 Spelshop.be
The Search for UAPs € 42.50 Spellenvariant
The Siege of Runedar € 48.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
The Spill € 35.95 Boardgame Merchant
The Village Crone € 53.50 Spelshop.be
The Warp € 89.95 De Spelletjes Vrienden
The Whatnot Cabinet € 32.90 BoardgameShop
The Witcher: Old World € 76.19 Bol.com Partner
The Witcher: Old World - Deluxe Edition
The Wizard of OZ Adventure Book Game
This War Of Mine: The Board Game € 63.06 Amazon.nl
Thorgal: The Board Game - Retail Edition € 93.95 Spellenrijk
Three Sisters € 47.95 Bol.com Partner
Tidal Blades Banner Festival € 31.00 Spelgezel
Tiny Epic Defenders € 26.49 CrowdFinder
Tiny Epic Dungeons
Tiny Epic Mechs € 34.95 Bol.com Partner
Tiny Epic Tactics € 29.99 Bol.com Partner
Tiny Epic Vikings € 41.20 The Summoner
Tokyo Metro
Too Many Bones € 156.90 Goede spellen
Tower Stacks € 19.99 Intertoys
Town 77
Trailblazer: The John Muir Trail - Kickstarter Edition € 59.99 Subcultures
Treasure Island € 21.48 Amazon.nl
Trek 12: Amazonie € 20.98 Het Spelhuis
Troyes € 35.49 CrowdFinder
Trudvang Legends € 85.30 Bol.com
Tumble Town
Turing Machine (ENG) € 44.99 Bol.com
Turtle Tactics € 17.94 Top1Toys
Twilight Struggle: Red Sea - Conflict in The Horn of Africa € 40.50 Spellenvariant
Ubongo Solo € 18.70 The Summoner
Ultra Tiny Epic Galaxies € 21.70 The Summoner
Unconscious Mind € 57.20 The Summoner
Undaunted 2200: Callisto € 63.50 Spellenvariant
Under Falling Skies (ENG) € 32.00 Spelshop.be
Under Falling Skies (NL) € 38.90 BoardgameShop
Underwater Cities € 45.00 Amazon.nl
Unfold: Dark Story € 23.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Unfold: Victim of the Pyramid € 24.45 Spellenrijk
Unlock: Star Wars (NL) € 31.50 Spelshop.be
Unmatched Adventures: Tales to Amaze (ENG) € 54.50 Spellenvariant
Unmatched Adventures: Tales to Amaze (NL) € 59.95 BoardgameShop
Unreliable Wizard € 21.99 CrowdFinder
Urbion € 31.20 The Summoner
V-Cube 2 € 14.76 Amazon.nl
V-Cube 3 € 14.45 Amazon.nl
V-Cube 4 € 25.19 Amazon.nl
V-Cube 5 € 30.95 Bol.com Partner
V-Cube 6 € 39.95 Bol.com Partner
V-Cube 7 € 39.95 Amazon.nl
V-Cube 8 € 51.95 Bol.com Partner
V-Cube 9 € 62.85 Amazon.nl
V-Sphere € 28.50 Bol.com Partner
Veilwraith: A Veil Odyssey Game
Verdant (NL) € 33.99 CrowdFinder
Votes for Women € 90.99 CrowdFinder
Vrijdag € 19.48 Amazon.nl
Walk the Dog € 19.99 Intertoys
Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game
Wayfarers of the South Tigris € 54.95 BoardgameShop
Weirdwood Manor € 78.88 Spellenvariant
Welcome To (ENG) € 30.00 Spelshop.be
Welcome To (NL) € 25.49 CrowdFinder
Welcome To - Verzameleditie € 40.99 CrowdFinder
Welcome To The Moon € 39.99 The Playground
Welcome to the Moon (NL) € 44.45 Spellenrijk
White Hat € 20.67 Spellenrijk
Wild Gardens € 75.50 Spellenvariant
Wild Space (ENG)
Wild Space (NL) € 27.49 Bol.com Partner
Wild: Serengeti € 44.99 Bol.com Partner
Windmill Valley € 54.95 BoardgameShop
Windmill Valley (NL) € 54.99 Subcultures
Wingspan (ENG) € 52.50 Spellenvariant
Wingspan (NL) € 38.48 Bol.com
Witchcraft! € 28.99 Amazon.nl
Wok Star € 46.00 Spelshop.be
Wonderboek € 77.95 Spelspul.nl
Woodcraft (NL) € 51.00 Spelshop.be
World Wonders € 53.88 Spellenvariant
Wreckland Run € 42.99 Amazon.nl
Wyrmspan (ENG) € 52.95 Boardgame Merchant
Wyrmspan (NL) € 57.46 Bol.com Partner
X-Men: Mutant Insurrection € 38.00 Queen of Games
Zapotec € 24.50 Spellenvariant
Zhanguo: The First Empire € 57.54 Amazon.nl
Zimby Mojo
Zoo Tycoon: The Board Game

Lees ook alles over andere bordspeltypes: Abstract spel, Bag Building, Behendigheid, Bieden, Bluffen, Breinbreker, Buitenspellen, Campagne/verhalend, Card drafting, Collectible Cardgame, Cooperatief, Deckbuilding, Dobbelspel, Educatief, Engine Building, Escape room, Eurogame, Expert Spel, Familiespel, Gateway game, Gebiedsverovering, Hand management, Kaartspel, Kinderspel, Legacy, Miniaturenspel, Party spel, Pesten, Pickup & Deliver, Programmable Movement, Push Your luck, Real Time, Reisspel, Roll & Write, Set Collection, Slagenspel/Trick taking, Solospel, Tile placement, Trivia, Tweespeler spel, Uitbreiding, Variabele spelerskrachten,